The Graduate Program in Mechanical Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin offers graduate studies in the area of Materials Engineering. Both Master of Science in Engineering and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Mechanical Engineering are offered in this area. The Materials Engineering Area within Mechanical Engineering includes eleven full-time faculty available to supervise degree candidates. These faculty pursue research in a wide variety of topics related to Materials Engineering and within the Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering.


Coursework is offered by ME Area faculty in a wide variety of topics pertinent to Materials Engineering. These courses are categorized as Core Courses and Additional Courses. In addition to these courses, there are a number of Supplemental Courses offered within other areas of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and through other departments. Courses not listed on this page may also be acceptable in a program of study. All courses must be approved by the student's thesis/dissertation supervisor, thesis/dissertation committee, and the chair of the graduate studies committee. The Materials Science & Engineering Area also offers Undergraduate courses in the Undergraduate Technical Option Area.

ME Area Core Courses
Students must take at least 3 core courses listed as below:

  • Thermodynamics: ME 386P3
  • Phase Transformations: ME 386P1
  • Choose 1 from 3 below:
    • Mechanical Behavior of Materials: ME 386P2
    • Structure of Materials: ME 386P5
    • Solid State Properties of Materials: ME 386P4

To qualify for PhD candidacy, students must maintain a 3.3 GPA in the three required core courses and show sufficient progress in research. If you do not have a 3.3 GPA in your core courses, you may take one additional semester to complete additional core courses and raise your GPA to 3.3. Note that if you are required to take 4 core courses, the GPA for your core courses is computed based on the average for all four core courses. You cannot retake a class to raise your core course GPA. Discuss your class selections with your supervisor and the Graduate Advisor to ensure you are on the right track.

Additional ME Area Courses
The following are courses regularly offered by faculty within the ME Area and may be used in a program of graduate study for ME Area students of Mechanical Engineering. Most of these courses are offered either on an annual or biennial basis. However, a few are offered at less regular intervals; please check the Official UT Online Course Schedule to determine when a particular course is offered.

  • Structure And Properties Courses
    • ME 386Q Topic 10: High-Temperature Materials
    • ME 386Q Topic 11: Ceramic Engineering
    • ME 386Q Topic 13: Structural Ceramics
    • ME 386Q Topic 14: Electrochemical Materials
    • ME 386Q: Nanomaterials
  • Thermodynamics And Kinetics Courses
    • ME 387Q Topic 4: Corrosion
  • Experimental Techniques Courses
    • ME 387R Topic 3: Electron Diffraction and Microscopy