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Photo of Mangolini, Filippo
Office Location: ETC 9.176

Filippo Mangolini

Associate Professor

Cockrell Family Fellowship #4

Department Research Areas

Advanced Materials Science and Engineering
Clean Energy Technology
Nano and Micro-scale Engineering
Complex Systems

Mangolini Group website

Dr. Filippo Mangolini completed his university studies in Materials Science and Engineering at Polytechnic University of Milan (Milan, Italy) in 2006, obtaining a Master’s degree with honours. He then received his Ph.D. in Materials Science at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland). His Ph.D. work focused on the study of the surface reactivity of environmentally-compatible lubricant additives. This involved the development of a novel in situ analytical technique based on infrared spectroscopy for investigating oil/substrate interfaces in tribological systems. During his Ph.D., Filippo was awarded the Field Best Presentation Award at the World Tribology Congress 2009 (Kyoto, Japan). Upon completion of his Ph.D. in 2011, Filippo received a Swiss National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship and joined the group of Prof. R.W. Carpick at the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, USA). During his postdoctoral fellowship, Filippo developed one of the first few laboratory-based environmental X-ray photoelectron spectrometers (E-XPS), which allowed him to investigate in situ the thermally-induced structural evolution of amorphous carbon surfaces. During his time at the University of Pennsylvania, Filippo was awarded a Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship for Career Development, which allowed him to extend his stay at the University of Pennsylvania and to subsequently move to Ecole Centrale de Lyon (Lyon, France). During his Marie Curie fellowship, Filippo developed a fundamental understanding of the mechano-chemistry of solid and liquid lubricants using both in situ and ex situ surface-analytical techniques. Between October 2015 and November 2017, Filippo was a University Academic Fellow at the University of Leeds (Leeds, UK), where his work focused on the investigation of the surface reactivity of advanced lubricants. In February 2016, Filippo was the recipient of a Marie Curie Individual Fellowship, while in May 2016 he was awarded the Mazzucotelli Award by the Analytical Spectroscopy Group of the Italian Chemical Society in recognition of the originality, quality, and relevance of his work.

The overarching goal of his research activities is to develop a physically-based understanding of the structural transformations and chemical reactions occurring on material surfaces and at solid/solid, solid/liquid interfaces under extreme environments and conditions far from equilibrium.

The broader impact of this research will be to aid in the rational design and synthesis of new, modified, and improved materials able to withstand harsh conditions, exhibiting improved tribological performance (i.e., low friction and wear), and suitable for a wide range of technological applications (e.g., engines, aerospace components, hard-disk overcoats, films for nanoelectromechanical systems).

Recent publications:

  1. F. Mangolini, B.A. Krick, T.D.B. Jacobs, S.R. Khanal, F. Streller, J.B. McClimon, J. Hilbert, S.V. Prasad, T.W. Scharf, J.A. Ohlhausen, J.R. Lukes, W.G. Sawyer, and R.W. Carpick, Effect of Silicon and Oxygen Dopants on the Stability of Hydrogenated Amorphous Carbon under Harsh Environmental Conditions, Carbon, in press
  2. F. Streller, Y. Qi, J. Yang, F. Mangolini, A.M. Rappe, R.W. Carpick, Valence Band Control of Metal Silicide Films Via Stoichiometry, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 7, 2573-2578, 2016
  3. J. Peng, A. Sergiienko, F. Mangolini, P.E. Stallworth, S. Greenbaum, R.W. Carpick, Solid State Magnetic Resonance Investigation of the Thermally-Induced Structural Evolution of Silicon Oxide-Doped Hydrogenated Amorphous Carbon, Carbon, 105, 163-175, 2016
  4. F. Mangolini, J.B. McClimon, R.W. Carpick, Quantitative Evaluation of the Carbon Hybridization State by Near Edge X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy, Analytical Chemistry, 88 (5), 2817-2824, 2016
  5. F. Streller, R. Agarwal, F. Mangolini, R.W. Carpick, Novel Metal Silicide Thin Films by Design via Controlled Solid-State Diffusion, Chemistry of Materials, 27 (12), 4247-4253, 2015
  6. K.D. Koshigan, F. Mangolini, J.B. McClimon, B. Vacher, S. Bec, R.W. Carpick, J. Fontaine, Understanding the Hydrogen and Oxygen Gas Pressure Dependence of the Tribological Properties of Silicon Oxide-Doped Hydrogenated Amorphous Carbon Coatings, Carbon, 93 (C), 851-860, 2015
  7. N.N. Gosvami, J.A. Bares, F. Mangolini, A.R. Konicek, D.G. Yablon, R.W. Carpick, Mechanisms of Antiwear Tribofilm Growth Revealed In Situ by Single-Asperity Sliding Contacts, Science, 348 (6230), 102-106, 2015
  8. H. Feng, A.R. Konicek, N. Moldovan, F. Mangolini, T.D.B. Jacobs, I. Wylie, P.U. Arumugam, S. Siddiqui, R.W. Carpick, J.A. Carlisle, Boron-Doped Ultrananocrystalline Diamond Synthesized with an H-Rich/Ar-Lean Gas System, Carbon, 84, 103-117, 2015
  9. F. Mangolini, J.B. McClimon, F. Rose, R.W. Carpick, Accounting for Nanometer-Thick Adventitious Carbon Contamination in X-Ray Absorption Spectra of Carbon-Based Materials, Analytical Chemistry, 86 (24), 12258-12265, 2014
  10. F. Rose, N. Wang, R. Smith, Q-F. Xiao, H. Inaba, T. Mastumura, H. Matsumoto, Q. Dai, B. Marchon, F. Mangolini, R.W. Carpick, Complete Characterization by Raman Spectroscopy of the Structural Properties of Thin Hydrogenated Diamond-Like Carbon Films Exposed to Rapid Thermal Annealing, Journal of Applied Physics, 116 (12), 123516, 2014