The design and manufacture of most engineering devices and systems is heavily constrained by materials properties and the availability of materials. This option allows students to obtain a concentration in materials engineering as a basis for practice and graduate study in this field.

Faculty Advisor: Eric Taleff, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Industry Applicability

This certificate program area is appropriate to prepare mechanical engineers for jobs in industry that deal with one or more of the following:

  • Selection of materials for mechanical devices or structures
  • Service of materials in difficult or extreme environments
  • Manufacturing analysis of materials into useful components
  • Critical analysis of material failure events

Required Courses (choose any three)


M E 336, Materials Processing
M E 350 Machine Tool Operations for Engineers
M E 359 Materials Selection
M E 378K Mechanical Behavior of Materials
M E 378P Properties and Applications of Polymers
M E 379M, Failure Analysis
M E 379M Polymer Nanocomposites
M E 379M Nanotechnology for Sustainable Energy
Approved materials-related engineering and natural science electives

Graduate (may be taken with instructor approval)

M E 386P Introduction to Thermodynamic Materials
M E 386P Structure of Materials
M E 386Q Applied Perspective Nanotechnology
M E 386Q High Temperature Materials
Approved materials-related engineering and natural science electives

Project Class (choose one)

M E 377K Projects in Mechanical Engineering
M E 397P Projects in Mechanical Engineering

For course descriptions visit the University Catalog.