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Office Location: ETC 4.170
Raul Longoria
General Motors Foundation Centennial Teaching Fellowship in Mechanical Engineering
Department Research Areas
Robotics and Intelligent Mechanical Systems
Dr. Raul G. Longoria received the B.S.M.E. and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin in 1985 and 1989, respectively. He joined the Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin (UT-Austin) in 1991 and holds the rank of Professor. His teaching and research interests focus on development and application of multi-disciplinary dynamic system modeling, vehicle system dynamics and controls, electromechanical system modeling and simulation, and application of machine learning and AI for smart hand tools. Dr. Longoria is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Texas, and a member of the ASME, IEEE, SAE, and ISTVS.
Most Recent Publications
- Gohean, J.R., M.J. George, K.W. Chang, E.R. Larson, T.D. Pate, M. Kurusz, R.G. Longoria, and R.W. Smalling, Preservation Of Native Aortic Valve Flow And Full Hemodynamic Support With The TORVAD Using A Computational Model Of The Cardiovascular System, ASAIO Journal, Vol. 61, No. 3, pp. 259-265, May-Jun, 2015
- LeSage, J.R. and R.G. Longoria, Mission Feasibility Assessment for Mobile Robotic Systems Operating in Stochastic Environments, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Special Issue on Stochastic Models, Control and Algorithms in Robotics, Vol. 137, no.3, October 2014
- Hearn, C.S., S.B. Pratap, D. Chen, and R.G. Longoria, Lumped Parameter Model to Describe Dynamic Translational Interaction for High Temperature Superconducting Bearings, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Vol 24, no. 2, April 2014
- Hearn, C.S., S.B. Pratap, D. Chen, and R.G. Longoria, Reduced Order Dynamic Model of Permanent Magnet and HTSC Interaction in an Axisymmetric Frame, IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 1226-1233, August 2014
- Hearn, C.S., M. C. Lewis, S. B. Pratap, R. E. Hebner, F. M. Uriarte, D. Chen and R. G. Longoria, Utilization of Optimal Control Law to Size Grid-Level Flywheel Energy Storage, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, Vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 611-618, July 2013
- Gohean, J.R., M.J. George, T.D. Pate, M. Kurusz, R.G. Longoria, and R.W. Smalling RW, Verification of a computational cardiovascular system model comparing the hemodynamics of a continuous flow to a synchronous valveless pulsatile flow left ventricular assist device, ASAIO Journal, Vol. 59,No. 2, pp. 107-116, March/April 2013
- LeSage, J.R. and R.G. Longoria, Characterization of Load Uncertainty in Unstructured Terrains and Applications to Battery Remaining Run-time Prediction, Journal of Field Robotics, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 472–487, May/June 2013
- Letsou, G.V., Pate, T.D., Gohean, J.R., Kurusz, M., Longoria, R.G., Kaiser, L., Smalling, R.W., Improved left ventricular unloading and circulatory support with synchronized pulsatile left ventricular assistance compared with continuous-flow left ventricular assistance in an acute porcine left ventricular failure model, Journal Of Thoracic And Cardiovascular Surgery, Vol. 140, No. 5, pp. 1181-1188, 2010
- Connolly, T.J.M., Longoria, R.G., An Approach for Actuation Specification and Synthesis of Dynamic Systems, Journal Of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, And Control, Vol. 131, No. 3, 2009
- Solis, J.M., Longoria, R.G., Modeling Track-Terrain Interaction for Transient Robotic Vehicle Maneuvers, Journal Of Terramechanics, Vol. 45, 2008, No. 3, pp. 65-78
Selected Publications
- Wang, J., Longoria, R.G., Coordinated and Reconfigurable Vehicle Dynamics Control, IEEE Transactions On Control System Technology, Vol.17, 2008, No. 3, pp. 723-732
- Wang, J., Longoria, R.G., Effect of Computational Delay on the Performance of a Hybrid Adaptive Cruise Control System, 2006-01-0800, SAE Journal Of Passenger Cars - Electronic & Electrical Systems, Vol. 115, pp. 307-316, 2006
- Campos, J., Crawford, M., Longoria, R.G., Rotordynamic Modeling Using Bond Graphs: Modeling the Jeffcott Rotor,'' IEEE Transactions On Magnetics, Vol. 41, 2005, No. 1, pp. 274--280
- Kypuros, J.A., and R.G. Longoria, Model Synthesis for Design of Switched Systems Using Variable Structure Theory, ASME Journal Of Dynamics Systems, Measurement, And Control, Vol. 125, No. 4, pp. 618-629, 2003
- Compere, M.D. and R.G. Longoria, Combined DAE and Sliding Mode Control Methods for Simulation of Constrained Mechanical Systems, ASME Journal Of Dynamics Systems, Measurement, And Control, Vol. 122, No. 4, pp. 691-698, December 2000