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Office Location: ETC 7.116
Sheldon Landsberger
Robert B. Trull Chair in Engineering
Department Research Areas
Nuclear and Radiation Engineering
Dr. Landsberger is a Professor in the Nuclear and Radiation Engineering technical area. He has served on the faculty of the Cockrell School of Engineering since 1997. He has published more than 250 peer-reviewed papers and more than 195 conference proceedings mainly in nuclear analytical measurements and their applications in nuclear forensics, natural radioactivity and environmental monitoring of trace and heavy metals.
In 2007 he received the Arthur Holly Compton award from the American Nuclear Society for outstanding achievements in education in nuclear science and engineering for designing and implementing one of the most advanced distance learning programs in the nation for nuclear engineers. In 2005 he received the Glenn Murphy Award from the Nuclear and Radiological Division of the American Society of Engineering Education, recognizing his notable professional contributions to the teaching of undergraduate and graduate nuclear engineering students.
Dr. Landsberger was appointed as Director of the UT Nuclear Engineering Teaching Laboratory (NETL) from 2002-2006 and Area Coordinator of the Nuclear and Radiation Engineering Program from 1997-2012. He currently holds the Robert B. Trull Chair in Engineering from the Cockrell School of Engineering. Since 1988, Dr. Landsberger has served the International Atomic Energy Agency as an expert consultant in various functions.
Recent Publications
- Gijbels, K., S. Landsberger, P. Samyn, R. Iacobescu, Y. Pontikes, S. Schreurs, W. Schroeyers, “Radiological and Non-Radiological Leaching Assessment of Alkali-Activated Materials Containing Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag and Phosphogypsum”, Sci. Tot. Environ. 660, 1098-1107 (2019).
- Brennan, C. D. Haas, S. Landsberger, G. Bátor, A. Bednár and T. Kovács “The Determination of 90Sr Transfer Factors in the Environment using Stable Strontium as a Surrogate and Neutron Activation Analysis”, 208-209 (2019).
- Albéri, M., C. Bottardi, M. Baldoncini, E. Chiarelli, S. Landsberger, K. G. C. Raptis, V. Strati and F. Mantovani, Training Future Engineers to be Ghostbusters: Hunting for the Spectral Environmental Radioactivity”, Educ. Sci. 9, paper #15, 1-14. (2019)
- Ozden, B., C. Brennan and S. Landsberger, “Environmental Assessment of Red Mud by Determining Natural Radionuclides using Neutron Activation Analysis”, Environ. Earth Sci., 78. Article 114, pages 1-9 (2019).
- Ozden, B., S. Landsberger, and C. Brennan, “Investigation of Bauxite Residue (Red Mud) in Terms of its Environmental Risk J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 319, 339-346 (2019).
- Byers, M. F., S. Landsberger and E. Schneider, “The Use of Silver Nanoparticles for the Recovery of Uranium from Seawater by Means of Biofouling Mitigation”, Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 2, 2303-2313 (2018).
- Byers, M. F., S. Landsberger, and E. Schneider, “Systems Analyses of Alternative Technologies for the Recovery of Seawater Uranium”, J. Nuclear Fuel Cycle Waste Management, 16, 369-376 (2018).
- Drescher, A., M. D. Yoho and S. Landsberger, “Gamma-Gamma Coincidence in Neutron Activation Analysis”, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 318, 527–532 (2018).
- Artnak, E.J., S. R. Biegalski, S. Landsberger, N. J. Ianno, D. Alexander; M. F. Byers, “Development of Boron Calibration Via Hybrid Comparator Method in Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis”, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 318, 271–277 (2018).
- Landsberger, S. and J. Yellin. “Minimizing Sample Sizes while Achieving Accurate Elemental Concentrations in Neutron Activation Analysis of Precious Pottery: J. Archaeological Science: Reports. 20, 622-625 (2018).