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Office Location: ETC 5.118
Raghavendra Bollapragada
Assistant Professor
Department Research Areas
Analytics and Probabilistic Modeling
Selected Publications
- Berahas, A. S., Bollapragada, R., & Nocedal, J. An Investigation of Newton-Sketch and Subsampled Newton Methods. Optimization Methods and Software, Pages: 1 - 20, 2020. [Download PDF] [OMS Online]
- Bollapragada, R., Scieur, D., \& D'Aspremont, A. Nonlinear Acceleration of Primal-Dual Algorithms. In proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), Okinawa, Japan, PMLR 89: 739 - 747, 2019. [Download PDF] [Supplementary PDF]
- Bollapragada, R., Byrd, R., & Nocedal, J. Adaptive Sampling Strategies for Stochastic Optimization. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 28(4): 3312 - 3343, 2019. [Download PDF] [SIOPT Online]
- Bollapragada, R., Byrd, R., & Nocedal, J. Exact and Inexact Subsampled Newton Methods for Optimization. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 39(2): 545 - 578, 2019. [Download PDF] [Oxford Academic]
- Berahas, A. S., Bollapragada, R., Keskar, N. S., & Wei, E. Balancing Communication and Computation in Distributed Optimization. arXiv 1709.02999, 2017. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2019. [Download PDF] [IEEE Xplore]
- Bollapragada, R., Mudigere, D., Nocedal, J., Shi, H.J.M., & Tang, P.T.P. A Progressive Batching L-BFGS Method for Machine Learning. In proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Stockholm, Sweden, PMLR 80: 620 - 629, 2018. [Download PDF] [Supplementary PDF]