Keya Ghonasgi, a graduate student in the Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering has been selected for the 2022 University Graduate Continuing Fellowship.
Ghonasgi is currently studying dynamic systems and controls as well as human-robot interaction in the ReNeu Robotics Lab, led by Associate Professor Ashish Deshpande. She is also the co-founder and president of the Texas Robotics Graduate Students organization at the University of Texas at Austin.
“I am honored to have been selected for this fellowship. This support from UT is most significant to me as a validation of my efforts during my time here. I've been very lucky to find an amazing research group and great mentorship at Texas Robotics. This additional vote of confidence in me and my research interests make me excited and hopeful for my future career goals as well,” said Ghonasgi.
Graduate fellowships include various types of assistance for students in the graduate program. Final endowment decisions for each followship will be announced this summer.