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Junmin Wang
Fletcher Stuckey Pratt Chair in Engineering
Department Research Areas
Robotics and Intelligent Mechanical Systems
Dr. Junmin Wang is a Professor and the Fletcher Stuckey Pratt Chair in Engineering in the Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin. Prof. Wang started his academic career at Ohio State University as assistant professor in September 2008 and was early promoted to associate professor in September 2013 and then very early promoted to full professor in June 2016. In 2018, he left Ohio State University and joined University of Texas at Austin as the Accenture Endowed Professor in Mechanical Engineering. Dr. Wang has a wide range of research interests covering control, modeling, estimation, optimization, diagnosis, and AI for dynamical systems, especially for automotive, vehicle, mobility, robotics, manufacturing, human-automation, and mechatronics applications. He has five years of full-time industrial research experience (2003-2008) at Southwest Research Institute (San Antonio, Texas) where he was a Senior Research Engineer and led research projects sponsored by more than 50 industrial companies and governmental agencies worldwide. Prof. Wang’s research program has been funded by federal agencies and industrial companies including National Science Foundation (NSF), Office of Naval Research (ONR), Department of Energy (DOE), National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), GM, Ford, Honda, Tenneco, Eaton, Denso, Ftech, and others.
Professor Junmin Wang is a recipient of the ASME Charles Stark Draper Innovative Practice Award, Ohio State University Lumley Interdisciplinary Research Award, Ohio State University Harrison Faculty Award for Excellence in Engineering Education, National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award, Ohio State University Lumley Research Award, SAE International Vincent Bendix Automotive Electronics Engineering Award, and Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Program (ONR-YIP) Award. Prof. Wang has been honored as a Fulbright Distinguished Scholar, a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, and IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society. He is an SAE Fellow, ASME Fellow, AAIA Fellow, and IEEE Fellow.
Prof. Wang was elected as a voting member of the ASME Dynamic Systems and Controls Division Executive Committee, has served as General Chair of 2023 IEEE International Automated Vehicle Validation Conference, General Chair of 2021 (inaugural) IFAC Modeling, Estimation and Control Conference, an Senior Editor, Editor, Technical Editor, or Associate Editor for the IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, IFAC Control Engineering Practice, IFAC Mechatronics, ASME Transactions Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, ASME Journal of Autonomous Vehicles and Systems, Vehicle Systems Dynamics, Journal of the Franklin Institute, and SAE International Journal of Engines. He has served as Chair of the ASME Automotive and Transportation Systems Technical Committee, Chair of the SAE International Control and Calibration Committee, and Vice Chair of the IFAC Technical Committee on Mechatronic Systems.
Prof. Wang received the B.E. degree (with honors) in Automotive Engineering and his first M.S. degree in Power Machinery and Engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing China in 1997 and 2000, respectively; his second and third M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering from University of Minnesota, Twin Cities in 2003, and the Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Texas at Austin in 2007.
Prof. Wang is the author or co-author of more than 405 peer-reviewed publications including 200 journal articles and 13 U.S. / European patents, of which 8 papers received best paper awards from IEEE, ASME, and SAE. Prof. Junmin Wang’s Google Scholar Citations.
Recent Publications
- Xingyu Zhou, Heran Shen, Zejiang Wang, Hyunjin Ahn, and Junmin Wang, “Driver-Centric Lane-Keeping Assistance System Design: A Non-Certainty-Equivalent Neuro-Adaptive Control Approach,” IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol. 28, issue 6, pp. 3017 – 3028, 2023.
- Heran Shen, Xingyu Zhou, Hyunjin Ahn, Maxavier Lamantia, Pingen Chen, and Junmin Wang, “Personalized Velocity and Energy Prediction for Electric Vehicles with Road Features in Consideration,” IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, vol. 19, issue 3, pp. 3958 – 3969, 2023.
- Yao Maand Junmin Wang, “Personalized Driving Behaviors and Fuel Economy over Realistic Commute Traffic: Modeling, Correlation, and Prediction,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 71, issue 7, pp. 7084-7094, 2022.
- Xingyu Zhou, Zejiang Wang, Heran Shen, and Junmin Wang, “A Mixed L1/H2 Robust Observer with An Application to Driver Steering Torque Estimation for Autopilot-Human Shared Steering,” ASME Transactions Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, vol. 144, issue 7, pp. 071007, 2022.
- Xingyu Zhou, Zejiang Wang, Heran Shen, and Junmin Wang, “Robust Adaptive Path-Tracking Control of Autonomous Ground Vehicles with Considerations of Steering System Backlash,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, vol. 7, issue 2, pp. 315 – 325, 2022
- Heran Shen, Xingyu Zhou, Zejiang Wang, and Junmin Wang, “State of Charge Estimation for Lithium-ion Battery using Transformer with Immersion and Invariance Adaptive Observer,” Journal of Energy Storage, vol. 45, 103768, 2022.
- Chuan Huand Junmin Wang, “Trust-Based and Individualizable Adaptive Cruise Control Using Control Barrier Function Approach with Prescribed Performance,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 23, issue 7, pp. 6974 – 6984, 2022.
- Zejiang Wang, Adrian Cosio, and Junmin Wang, “Implementation Resource Allocation for Collision-Avoidance Assistance Systems Considering Driver Capabilities,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 23, issue 8, pp. 12822-12832, 2022.
- Xingyu Zhou, Zejiang Wang, Heran Shen, and Junmin Wang, “Systematic Synthesis of a Class of Smooth Parameter Projection Operators for Stable Adaptive Systems,” ASME Letters in Dynamic Systems and Control, vol. 2, 031009, 2022.
- Xiangrui Zeng and Junmin Wang, “Worst-Case Relative Cost Optimal Control for Dynamic Systems with Finite Admissible Disturbance Sequence Sets,” International Journal of Control, vol. 94, no. 8, pp. 2296-2303, 2021.